
Since I am in somekind

of a slum right now...
Missionred Reaction TE
regarding the lack of PvZ skills and the lack of sleep I figured, why not trying out something fundamental?
So I started to think what could increase my gameplay without actually playing? For the ones of you who actually watch the stream of Dario 'TLO' Wünsch might already know this little application which is supposed (well not directly) to increase your mouse accuracy.
The picture on the right of this post shows an ingame screenshot of the game on which you can see those green circles. These circles pop up, grow and then finally shrink again. Your aim is it to click on those circles as fast as you can and, if possible, before they dissapear. If you let too many circles 'vanish' (5 in one level) you lost and you have to start over again. It is a very usefull skill to have, a very precise mouseclick! If you are interested in this game you can click the link in the end of this post.

Well, that's not enought, I thought, so I looked into my interface to search for any room which allows impovement. And I sure found one. I use the "Backspace - Method" to Larvainject, which means I have all my Hatches on one hotkey and all my queens on another hotkey. If I want to switch in between my Hatches I have to tap the (for me) Tab button. I like this Method very much but what buggs me is the lack of capability to switch to the Hatch I want as fast as possible. 

For example I click through all my Hatches to see if they are injected and I sometimes spot an uninjected Hatch but I pressed so fast that I just missed it, so I have to do the whole thing again and tab several times to reach the Hatch of my desire. It takes alot of time and if I am not blessed taht day, I can miss the hatch another 2 times. I don't have the time in a game vs a skillfull player to click until I randomly find the right Hatch.
My solution is it to put the hatches on different hotkeys. 5 6 7 for example 'cause I need 1 for the combined hatches, 2 for queens and 3 4 for unit groups. It's very hard to keep clicking these hotkeys and it takes braincapacity that I usualy need for the game itself so it's really hard to get this anchored in my brain but I sure know that it helps me play properly if I my execution is good enough. 

I think this was/ is a very usefull post (espc. the first application) and I hope you can enjoy this little game as much as I can ;) Here is the link to the game: http://missionred.com/

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