
Finally I'm not a disgrace anymore!!

Blizzard managed to promote me.. "It was about damn time"
Today I went on the ladder and I was like "Let's play ... euhh ... well... I suckk.." I go on and win 5 Games in a row and suddenly this..

Well what should I say.. I 'm really happy 'cause I deserve this fucking promition and I should've been promoted years ago.. F*cking Blizzsys.! Anyways guys this is all I am going to say for now..! :) See ya later!


It was just like a lesson to me..

As I said plenty of times before..
I think it's rather unfair to rank me into Plat but I am very hard to myself and yesterday I lost to a guy I am not supposed to 'cause he 2 Base allined me and I felt like I controlled the game. I had his 3rd covered with lings and his main under mutaliskfire.. But I somehow managed to lose so my motivation was gone.. I was mad at myself and I went pretty nuts... In the end I was laying down doing many many benchpressings until I couldn't lift my arms anymore.. (which is actually not bad 'cause I want to work out more :P) Today I thought about it again and I went like.. I have the mechanics, I know what is happening, I have to have some major mistake somewhere... So I went into my replays to find out the major mistake I must be making.. It hurts to see myself lose, though -_-
And I suffer from the, prolly, most annoying problem a Zerg ever faced in his live OVERDRONE, TOO FEW LAVA, BAD SCOUTING, omg.. gotta improve though! :)


Hey guy, I wanted to give you a quick update

about how much i fucking suck. Well that's all. My mindset is kinda screwed, I am still stuck in woodleague and yeah... nuthin more to be told lol!
PLUS Lol I am finally gettin a second account with new MMR which is not screwed over just like my account is right now x3 So MB blizzard is going to give me somekinda... aeh...i dunno..