
2012 Season 3 wrap up?

As you may or may not know the 2012 Season 4 is already a week old and I normaly do the wrap ups days before the new Season. I wanted to do one but I figured that the results of the Season are not that accurate. Sure I win TvZ lose ZvP and have 50/50 ZvZ but I had huge drops and also increases of skill during this Season (S32012) due to the unsteady practice.
If you followed my blog you should've reaslized that I was knocked out for the majority of the time. The Season started with the start of the summer holidays in germany so I was playing alot in the first two weeks making ~150 games in this limited amount of time with my friend because I knew about the upcoming time.
The struggle started with being in Spain (struggle manely focused on SCII practice ^_^) because I was disabled for one and a half week already. If you ever tried to get good at Starcraft you'll know how much a week of not practicing hurts you.
I arrived back home being sick with fever and a burning throat denying my practice for an additional week. If we add that together we are already at a two and a half week break which is huge already but it's not a biggy because it's still almost two weeks to play right? NO
(inconsistency at it's best click to enlarge)
I had tooth surgery where they had to remove some wires to support my gum and prevent my tooth from falling out of my mouth by the age of 40 something.
We are at 3 weeks of forced 'Starcraft Vacation'.
So we are in the first week of school and I was all about organizing the new semester. I played but it's not enough to make up for the 3 weeks. Next week I cought the chickenpox disabeling me even longer.
We are looking break of 5 weeks. The following week I had to recover schoolwise and catch up with the missed subjects. 6th week.
7th week I spend in Rome where I destroyed my Laptop too.
So we are looking at a 7 week disability to get in proper practice in.
Somehow I still managed to improve alot and win 1.6k people and end up with 1.1k with a 500 bonuspool. Still I think it was all a bit goofy and unorganized but hey - It's summer what are you supposed to do ;)?
I am trying hard to reach my old form and play alot better this upcoming Season and post some results.
Though it is a double edged sword I am really looking forward to the winter so I can play alot more consistant and hit a Grandmaster level niveau because that's my next target to achieve. Beating a Grandmaster.